Sinners, reconciled

arr. Guerrieri: The Wexford Carol (PDF, 99Kb)

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Happy holidays from everyone at Soho the Dog HQ! Here’s a carol arrangement to cleanse your aural palate in between walls of indiscriminate seasonal noise. Honestly, this has been one of those years when I think Christmas might be better off as, say, a quadrennial affair, like the World Cup. You know how the World Cup comes along, and people with no previous interest in the sport are straightaway really into it, to an unprecedented degree? Imagine if you could pull that off with platitudinous Christmas sentiments. (“Peace on earth? Goodwill to all? I suddenly find these notions INTRIGUINGLY COMPELLING” *strokes chin as eyes widen and flash*) Comfort and/or joy to everyone out there.


“Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” (descant and harmonization by me, 2014) (PDF, 57 Kb)
The same thing in a lower key (PDF, 57 Kb)

A characteristically nutty descant I wrote for an otherwise beloved carol. I like my angels heralding in screaming bright G major, but that might be just a bit high for the end of a full lessons-and-carols service, and a half-century of Presbyterian hymnals have insisted on F, so take your pick.

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