In reading up on yesterday’s news about Louis Andriessen and his Grawemeyer Award, I missed Norman Lebrecht’s very Norman-Lebrecht-ish post on the award, especially this sentence:
Andriessen does not rank high among composers who will dominate the future.
That is awesome. I finally have a universally applicable aesthetic criterion that can bump me from a humble classical-music stringer to the critical equivalent of a melodramatic, over-the-top science-fiction villain.
“Hmmmm… it’s a nice piece, clever instrumentation, elegant use of post-serialist vocabularies. But wait—will this piece…” | ![]() |
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Time to start growing that goatee out to a menacing point.
My music will dominate the future…s of those who study scores.
Sadly, the future will most likely be dominated by whatever music is thought to have the highest return on investment by whomever controls the investment capital or the most widely used distribution mechanisms.